WordPress Developer Ukraine, Dnipro
Get YouTube or Vimeo video ID

Get YouTube or Vimeo video ID

Many users think websites without media (audio, videos, etc) are pretty boring. I really hope, that doesn’t apply to HelloAdmin 😁 That is why, vast majority sites contain media-content. As rule, video content doesn’t placed to self website but for that use video hosting such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc. This choice, dictated by need to…
Adding wrapper to Gutenberg’s Table block

Adding wrapper to Gutenberg’s Table block

Convert Gutenberg table to Bootstrap table Gutenberg editor compared to default editor it’s very cool. However, its possibilities aren’t unlimited at the moment. And when we’re dealing with tables, we want that they’ll be responsive. In this case, can help us Bootstrap. But how to use Bootstrap tables and Bootstrap adaptive solutions to Gutenberg editor?
Automatic populate alt attributes of images

Automatic populate alt attributes of images

How to auto populate alt attributes after image download Today, we’ll be review question, aimed at improving SEO, again now. Sites, that contain images, and such an overwhelming majority, better index if their alt attributes of images was populated.
Automatically update slug with latest title within custom post type

Automatically update slug with latest title within custom post type

How to automatically update slug We have custom post type, that doesn’t appear in the search results ie ‘publicly_queryable’ => true, it’s mean, that URL this custom post type can’t be edited from admin dashboard. However we have places where we use this slug and we need have possible somehow can be edit. Problem is…
How to get all pages IDs that use specific template

How to get all pages IDs that use specific template

Get all pages IDs that use specific template We have a big site. And we have challenge edit some template, but also we need see our changes for all pages. As a rule, templates may be used for many pages. And we should be get links for all pages. How this could be done? About…
Search by word and get links to posts that contain them

Search by word and get links to posts that contain them

Get links to posts that contain specific phrase Hi all! Today, we continue review questions regarding SEO. Let’s imagine we have a large website, which has thousands pages. And we should find certain word or part of this word in the posts content. In addition, we should output all links of the pages that contain…
How to force use HTTPS protocol

How to force use HTTPS protocol

Force use HTTPS instead HTTP protocol When site use HTTPS it’s very good. But sometimes site can be available use HTTP protocol. And this moment significantly mess up a generally painting of security. In order to avoid such situations we should be use force open all pages using HTTPS protocol.
How to add dynamic data to Contact Form 7

How to add dynamic data to Contact Form 7

Adding dynamic data to Contact Form 7 You or your customer has real estate a website. the website has many posts that description real estate and each post has contact form based Contact Form 7. The objective is to add real estate ID to this contact form. This step need for identification real estate from…