Why Google Language Translator plugin change letters case after translate?

If you don’t want to bother about site translate, WordPress proposes many options how by automatic, including use Google Language Translator plugin (by Translate AI Multilingual Solutions). This solution is enough simple and doesn’t require any additional skills, however you can faced strange behavior of plugin — it change letters case after translate. In addition, sometimes plugin translate some numbers and it wouldn’t be appropriate for some counters.

Google Language Translator plugin change upper case letter to lower case letter

Problem: Google Language Translator plugin change upper case letter to lower case letter.

Solution: I don't know reason for this strange behavior, but I noticed this behavior only for inline elements (e.g. <a>, <span>, etc.). With regard to block level elements — all right. So, resume:
1. Replace all inline elements to block level elements, e.g. <span> to <p>. If it can't be done we can do it use styles (display: block or display: inline-block)
2. Next step, let's make first letter is capitalize using styles (it's relevant for items of nav menus):

a:first-letter {
    text-transform : uppercase;

3. For elements that don't need translate, should be add class "notranslate". That's all!

Good luck!

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