Setting SSH Bitbucket/Git
Problem: Many developers, especial juniors, when using Git/Bitbucket, clone repository use HTTPS, but exist more better way – use SSH. Ok, but how it works? How we can configure it?
Solution: Follow the instructions step by step:
Step 1: Connect to SSH remote host:
ssh user_name@user_host
Step 2: Generate SSH keys, via run next command:
Step 3: Open file in hidden ssh folder:
vi .ssh/
Copy contain of the file to Bitbucket account - Settings - SSH Keys. Create new key and paste contain of file Save it.
Step 4: Let's return on our server and make new folder as project name (domain name):
mkdir project_name_as_domain_name
Step 5: Change directory and moving from current folder to project folder:
cd project_name_as_domain_name
let's initialization Git into folder:
git init
configure Git
vi .git/config
add next setting into file:
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[remote "origin"]
url = # replace this string on current project (use option SSH on Bitbucket/Git)
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "master"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/master
Step 6: Execute commands:
git fetch
git checkout -t origin/master
Step 7: Check files in current folder using ls -la
. If files not found need execute:
git pull origin master
if we get project folder from Git repo in current folder e.g. project_name_folder/project_name_folder/files
, and we need project_name_folder/files
, need execute command for all content moving:
mv .[!.]* /home/u123456789/public_html/
If you get error
mv: cannot stat ‘.[!.]*’: No such file or directory
don't pay attention 🙂 Files was moved. Note: Use pwd
comand that output current folder.