Linux commands collection
For web development, as rule, we use LAMP stack and multiple commands. At here I collected and will collected continue most popular commands for work in Linux environment.

Secure connect to remote server via SSH, SFTP
ssh user_name@host_name -p number_port
sftp user_name@host_name -oPort=number_port
Move folder from localhost to remote server via SSH
scp -r /opt/lampp/htdocs/project-name/wp-content/uploads
Move folder from remote server to localhost via SSH
scp -r user_name@host-name:/home/user_name/project_name/wp-content/uploads/ /opt/lampp/htdocs/project-name/wp-content/
Move file from localhost to remote server via SSH
scp user_name@host-name:/home/user_name/project_name/wp-config.php /opt/lampp/htdocs/project-name/
Create Zip archive catologue to current directory
zip -r catalogue_name
Extract Zip archive to current directory
Extract Zip File to Specific or Different Directory
unzip -d /tmp/unziped
… to be continue